Monday, November 1, 2010

ByeRun's 1st Halloween...

This picture was taken with my iPhone and I admit it's not the best quality, but I took it on Friday 10/29/2010 before I went to work. It's the Tin Man and his "Mummy"! LoL! 
This was the only picture I dared to take on Halloween... He was not a happy camper when I first put on his Tin Man costume. He was very well behaved, I think he really enjoyed trick or treating with the family. All in all he was a great sport and everyone who saw him got a kick out of costume! 


  1. We love finding new Greyhound blogs! If it helps, ByeRun, I think you look very handsome as the Tin Man, but I bet you already have a huge heart!


    P.S. Thank you for your kind words for Blueberry today! We are all hoping for the best for her.

  2. Greyt to meet you! We have one greyhound and 2 whippets. It's great to meet new houndie friends. ByeRun is really handsome, and his Halloween costume was pawesome!


About Me

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Miami, FL, United States
I'm sharing my life with a recently retired greyhound and plan on documenting all of his milestones here!